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Innovator's Mindset with Metacognition abilities

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

The Innovator’s Mindset: A Metamorphosis

Empower Self, Unleash Competence, To Lead a Culture of anew.

Changing just for the sake of novelty will be futile, whist, innovative change that creates something new is always better.” Developing competency with an open minded attitude of “Growth Mindset”, will create and sustain anew.

"Give me Five" - Towards Innovator's Mindset -

1. Delve into your own "Fixed Mindset", to understand your shortcomings.

2. Reflect on self, by accepting criticism, with graceful receptiveness.

3. Self motivate intrinsically and extrinsically to come out of your vicious circle.

4. Focus, plan and work towards converting all possible threats into opportunities.

5. Establish "Change really matters", by evincing your success.

Empower self by spearheading "Innovator's Mindset" within "Self"

Expand your horizons with neuroplasticity.“Neurons that fire together- wire together”

Every time we think or act, the neurons communicate by sending signals. These signals are responsible for every step you take, for every heartbeat, and for every thought, action and emotion. (positive/negative). Repetition and recurrence of this pathway in the brain arbitrate our thought process. To achieve the best, configure your inner engineering network by developing more positive signals, connections and strengthening wires,

Embrace the "Trinity of Trait Cluster", by igniting your curiosity.

Curiosity, is a combination of intelligence, persistence and hunger for novelty, all wrapped up in one. Curious people keep moving forward, opening new doors, to welcome anew. Curious thinkers best positioned to thrive today and in the future will be a pro-active hybrid in this highly competitive world. Their curiosity will lead them down new paths to embrace "Change" with a variety of eclectic perspectives and collaborate with those specializations.

Engage in constant learning, to lead from "unknown to known"

Lifelong learning creates a positive attitude towards life, learning and earning. Our capacity to earn is directly related to our willingness to learn. It is a deliberate and voluntary act. Lifelong learners are motivated to learn as they want to earn their quality of life and be sustainable with the "Change".

Esteem your growth with extrinsic and intrinsic motivation

Being passive is not our default mode as human beings. By the way, destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, rather, it is a thing to be achieved. It is in our nature to strive and to move in a direction of our desire deem valuable. High-quality motivation drives one to thrive. Societal benefits of increased motivation escalate one's success and growth.

Embed self with "Dream Big" - "Aim High".

"Dream" is not the one, which comes in one's sleep. But "Dream" is the one, which will not let one sleep. Big goals cause us to expand our vision. When we expand our vision we confront with the reality of “structural changes” that must take place in our system, in order we are always on the run to fruition. The excitement of "Aiming High and Dreaming Big", plunge us into action and challenge any situation. Regardless of whether we actually achieve the big goal, our life becomes significantly enthralled by this new mode of living.

Endow your plan with indomitable spirit and Grit.

Winners never quit and quitters never win. This axiom may seem trite, but just because it’s been used a lot. Whether you call it determination or grit, the will to keep going is a vital component of success. The very nature of being determined, enhances the goal’s value and intensifies our motivation level. Motivation leads us to wonderful findings and broadens our knowledge about ourself and our goals. With determination, failure is just a diversion. It is just a detour to success.

Envisage every single moment of life as a learning -"Success or Failure".

It’s a societal norm to treat people with admiration who fulfill all the “requisites” for success. In this world of intense competition, getting success is perhaps the only major parameter that defines a person. Apparently, "Success" is defined as achievement and "Failure" is defined as a defect. But both are learning experiences that recline next steps forward.

Eulogize Life moments and people with lot of excitement - "In Gratitude".

Appreciation for the little things can lead to big results in happiness. One way to practice this is through "Being in Gratitude. Connect and nurture relations with the sense of thankfulness, cherishing pivotal moments as milestones of life. Whenever we feel discouraged that we aren’t reaching our goals and aspirations, remember that we can still find accomplishment and joy in the moment of be thankful. "Life is like a camera, capture every single moment with joyful smile of contentment".

How these ways of life can benefit a "Student Learner", in a learning environment and experience?

"Plan-Process-Progress-Product" - By adopting MetaCognition theory

Create the Environmental Plan:

As leaders and innovators, we need to create a community and culture that encourages innovation, which is built on the nitty-gritty of “Building Relations, Connections, Confidence protected by Care, Love,Trust and Thankfulness.

As a principle, leaders and carers in education should not to control, those who serve and whom we serve, instead unleash their curiosity to unearth the prowess, discover self and extract the optimum to achieve the maximum. Getting recognised will imbibe a sense of ownership and commitment to be the deserved.

Create the Developmental Process with Metacognition.

Cognition is the scientific term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem solving.

Metacognition is knowledge and understanding of our own cognitive processes and abilities and those of others, as well as regulation of these processes. It is the ability to make your thinking visible.

"Metacognitive Thinking", will help one evolve:

Metacognition refers to one's awareness and the ability to regulate one's own thought processes as;

  • thinking about thinking

  • understanding of what we know and how we think,

  • including the ability to regulate our thinking as we work on a task.

It is like an internal guide that notices and questions self in different situations;

  • when the attention wanes,

  • when the comprehension and memory fail or succeed,

  • when the thinking is faulty,

  • when we haven't learned something, and so forth.

Some everyday examples include:

  • awareness that we have difficulty remembering people's names in social situations

  • reminding self that we should try to remember the name of a place you just went

  • realizing that we know an answer to a question but unable to recall it at the moment

  • realizing that there is something wrong with your solution to a problem.

No doubt that, "Metacognition thinking and abilities" makes one smarter--or at least better to be able to take advantage of one's own abilities.

How will it help the learners in a learning environment and process?

The ‘learning’ aim using Metacognition theory, is to get students to learn the skills of teaching themselves, rather than to the content and understanding with the aim of self-regulated learning.

The internal guide of metacognition extends self-support with interventions as;

  • re-reading

  • refocusing attention,

  • mulling over an idea,

  • asking questions & other mental moves to deal more effectively with the situation,

  • Becoming aware of one’s own actions and the impact,

  • Posing internal questions to find information and meaning,

  • Monitoring plans throughout a process and revising plans

  • Self-evaluating a completed plan & Developing mental maps, pictures, or plans,

With an evolution in the thought process and learning approach as;

  • Changes the fixed versus growth mindset.

  • Increased motivation/effort

  • Increased student ownership of learning

  • More positive attitudes

  • Improved performance

How to effectively implement Metacognition

Create a learning environment & culture, with the following -"Innovator's Mindset"


Students as the powerful determiners of the learning and we need to put ourselves in student’s shoes before we can create better opportunities for them in our classrooms.

Problem Finders Imagine

The process of education should be built on the platform of respect that builds one's confidence. Students should be shown all the respect we can muster. It is important that we teach our kids how to ask good questions.


Many would argue that “best-practice” is the enemy of innovation. The reality of this is, that for some kids, the “tried-and-true” methods will still work, but others, you will need to try something different.

Networked – "Sharing Best Practices" - Collaborate

“Chance favours the connected mind.” Innovation does not happen in isolation. The best educators have always created networks to learn from others and create new and powerful ideas. Networks are crucial to develop the “Innovator’s Mindset”.


A practice normal amongst those that would be considered “innovative” is that they constantly look around their world and create connections. Wisdom is all around us, we just have to look for it.

Communicate –

Innovation is a combination of ideas and hard work. Communication is crucial to the process of innovation, but without action, ideas simply fade away.

Resilient –

Things do not always work on the first try, so what are the tweaks or revamping that is needed? This is something great teachers model daily in their teaching, as they turn good ideas into great ones.

Reflective –

What worked? What didn’t? What could we do next time? If we started again, what would we do differently? What can we build upon? It is important that in education and innovation, we sit down and reflect on our process.

To conclude, for educators to embody this, it is imperative that leaders create a culture where this types of characteristics are not just accepted, but encouraged. It is also imperative that at both the leadership and whole organization level, these characteristics are embodied.

To many, being “innovative” is no more than a buzzword, but if we truly have innovative students, we need to embody the “Innovator’s Mindset” at all levels.

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