When our whole life is a learning experience and its highlights educates and shapes people and society, why are we still categorically terming "schooling" as "Education", that leaves very little room for one's own self, creativity and aspirations - Let us "Think, Above and Beyond" !!!!!!!!
is a human birth right;
is the foundation aspect to drive sustainable development;
is a bulwark against all inequalities
No one should be deprived of this.
How to achieve this?
A well-laid education constitution conjugated with a well-founded commitment, which is driven universally, to institute education as a commodity like food, water and clothing should be made available to every single person for common good.
The architecture of providing such an education should expand with the rationale of Right to Education. This edifice will hallmark its connectivity of knowledge and exploration of skills, not only to the conventional "Schooling Custom", but as "The spectrum of Life in Education Itself".
Intergenerational justice and democratic principles should prioritize the participation of young people, without any prejudice or discrimination of age/gender/country/privilege/colour/creed or status.
Though schools and its system being a physical space is a customary, an openness to welcome a self-directed collaborative learning, based on one's own inquiry and approach to expedite independent learning progress should be preserved.
The learning system will thus emulate learners as self-directed with the pedagogies of critical thinking, metacognitive and social emotional skills that will precede them from the world of unknown to the known.
The aggregate thus available on a common platform universally and reached out to public, with satellite vehicle as its modem of deliverance will endow the purpose as "Education for all", breaking all its customaries of time/affordability and conventions.
How to implement this? -
Self-directed, Student Centered Learning
Let's device the "Futuristic Education Portal - In Steps.
Step 1 - Domain 1:
A well-grounded curriculum content should be made universally available on an open platform (like google), irrespective of one's origin/country/language/clan. The curriculum thus designed, are only the concepts that are to be learnt according to different age-groups/levels. This ready-made curriculum content is only a repository blend of concepts/resources/tasks/projects/assessments that will challenge student's competency.
Step 2- Domain 2:
Depending on the standards of expectation and requirement of one's study, one should be able to choose their own domain specifications, pertaining to the country of origin and schemes of work as, UK/US/Australian/Chinese/Japanese or Indian with relation to the certification required.
Step 3 - Domain 3:
To build the pedagogical space and relationship between teacher and student, the provision of teacher/facilitator/language of learning preference is also given.
Step 4- Domain 4:
Curriculum design with Learning model/assessment patterns and resources are devised with open access through satellite modems that will facilitate an independent way of self-directed learning, without any restrictions of time-pace attainments.
An envisioning of such an Inclusive Universal system of student-centered education will advance global solidarity ending all current levels of inequality and discrimination, will cohort its rationale as
"Education For All - For The Cause of Education", which is driven with the doctrine of
Education-Of the People;
Education-By the People;
Education-For the People.
Curriculum design options to be continued ........